Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chapter 27: Forgetfulness

“But many of those who heard the word believed;

and they numbered about five thousand.”

--Acts 4: 4

“Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good;

love one another with mutual affection;

outdo one another in showing honor.

Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.”

--Romans 12: 9-11

It was February 12th, two days before St. Valentine’s Day. I went to the Hallmark® store to buy valentines for the important people in my life and found a romantic one for my husband; special ones for my daughter, my son, and my mother; a funny one for my sister; and one with a cat for my niece.

I mailed the two to my grown children on my way home, in hopes that the valentines would arrive across the state, and across the country, on time. (They didn’t, but it helped that I had hidden a few small cards along with little gifts for my grandchildren at their houses on my last visit. My own kids would understand and wait until Monday for theirs, I hoped.) I wrote on the other valentines and gave them personally when I saw my loved ones on Valentine’s Day. I thought I’d remembered everyone, but I hadn’t...

To read the rest of this chapter, you will now need to buy my book, Simple Faith, Mighty Faith, published by Cornhusker Press and released 7-3-2011. Go to my website, for ordering details. Thank you!

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Thoughts to Ponder/Points for Discussion

  1. Have you forgotten something or someone important? How did you rectify it?
  1. Is regular church attendance at Sunday worship meaningful for you? What are some things you do to feel close to God?

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