Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chapter 21: Enough Trouble

“So do not worry about tomorrow,

for tomorrow will bring worries of its own.

Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

--Matthew 6: 34

“Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me.”

--Matthew 16: 23b

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not rely on your own insight.”

--Proverbs 3: 5

“We’re thinking about a trip to Hawaii next April. Would you want to watch the boys?” This question was posed by my son, Phil, shortly after Christmas in 2009. He and his wife, Stacey, hoped to celebrate their 10th Anniversary on the island of Maui, if the grandparents could collaborate on childcare.

Although I hardly hesitated with my affirmation, I spent the next four months worrying about my solo encounter with grandsons, McCoy and Lincoln. Even though the week would be split in half with each grandmother taking on only three and a half days, I wondered if I could handle one four-year-old and one that was under two for even that short time. I’d taken care of McCoy as an only child, and in the prior year, I’d watched them both for a few days, but with the help of my sister. I feared this latest proposal would be much more rigorous. Not only were all of us a year older, but I’d be the only one in charge and they had had a year to become that much more rambunctious...

To read the rest of this chapter, you will now need to buy my book, Simple Faith, Mighty Faith, published by Cornhusker Press and released 7-3-2011. Go to my website, for ordering details. Thank you!

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Thoughts to Ponder/Points for Discussion

1. What do you worry about? Are those worries based on concrete facts or imaginary problems?

2. What part does the devil play in your worries? How hard is it to give up control of the worrisome situation and rely on the Holy Spirit?

1 comment:

Phil said...

Wow Mom! I didn't realize we'd put you through the wringer like that!! So glad you powered through and had a great time. The boys sure did! (We did too!)

Not sure how escaped the worrying syndrome. But my better half makes up for my lack of it...

Great thoughts on how to beat it back. Didn't know about Grammy and the 23rd Psalm either...

Thanks for this. Good stuff. Love you!